January 7, 2009

One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies

By: Sonya Sones
Reviewed by Nicole W.
In the NVHS collection of this post

Ruby’s mother is dead and all that she has left is her aunt, her best friend, her beloved boyfriend, and her good for nothing dad who’s a movie star. She has to move to her dad’s house in California, but she would rather not. She hates her father because he left her mom and her when she was little. She has never see her dad in person but every year he aunt secretly takes her to see his newest movie. Now that she has to go all the way to California and leave all of her friends and family behind her dad is her worst enemy. In California she makes new friends but still misses her old friends. Many things happen to Ruby while being in California. Read this book to find out what terrible things happened to Ruby in California.

This book is the one of the best books that I have ever read. Sonya Sones is a fantastic author and has written a few other books as well. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes lifelike stories and a little bit of drama. This book is a fast read and you cannot wait to see what is going to happen next. Every person can relate to it someway. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of her books. This is an overall fantastic book.

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